Siddha treatments are individualistic. So we treat a person physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritualy i.e mind,body & soul.
Varma Therapy & all other treatments are done by two doctors (Dr.Chinju & Dr.Sebastian)
First day there will be consultation with doctors, analysis of naadi (pulse), diagnosis of problems, discussion with clients about their problems, suggestion of treatments and diet suitable for them. Then one hour of Varma therapy / Varma massage by a doctor, to find the root cause of the problems.
On second day we will give you internal medicines for your problems. From the second day onwards there will be mini-consultation with doctors and discussion. After the consultation there will be one hour of Varma therapy / Varma massage and also another 30 minutes of other herbal treatments like
Herbal treatments differ from person to person depending on the body's constitution. So 2 types of treatments per day (one hour of Varma therapy and another 30 minutes of herbal treatments) Every day there will be consultation and discussion with doctors. During treatments we do not suggest any strenuous exercise like yoga etc. because it is the time of rejuvenation of the body. A little walking is good. But 1 week after the treatments you can practice exercises. In addition, if you do not have any major health problems,You can practice yoga, swimming or after your treatments, you can take a walk on the beach or visit nearby tourist places.
We have different course durations
Agasthyar Siddha Health Care offers individualistic Siddha treatments specially suitable for each person's body Constitution.Therapy & all other treatments are done by two well expert Doctors.The treatments are directed towards curing, not just the symptoms of disease, but the root cause of your problems. It helps to eliminate the accumulated toxins, thus it helps to boosts the body's internal immune system ,prevents from further diseases. It will augment your recovery from imbalanced thridoshas , enhance the energy & to restore the vitality.All the treatments will focus on revitalizing your senses , regaining your youthfulness & also helps to restore the balance of body, mind & soul.